Abnehmen mit Schwung
Der von uns erarbeitete Abnehmplan unterstützt Sie bei Ihrem Abnahmevorhaben. Wir betreuen Sie gerne!
Other services we offer.
Arm and shoulder problems
Problems on the arm or on the shoulder can be very stressful. With our methods we help you to a better recovery.
Psycho-functional groups
In many mental illnesses, we try to strengthen your body through movement experience so that you can fully participate in life again.
Hand therapy
With various methods, we contribute to the regeneration of your hand after surgery, an accident or illness.
Kita, school and co
Especially with children and adolescents, early promotion is an important component, so that behavioral problems are treated directly.
Migraines can have a variety of causes. In any case, it is very uncomfortable for those affected. We help you get your migraines under control.